1. I love winter season. who don't love to get crawled up
inside the blanket . but when you have exams. You can't do that . can you?. My situation is very similar to the boy in the picture. too much to study but too little time.Ofcourse every engineering student suffers with the same problem.
Anyway I am half way through, 3 exams were finished . more three to go.To be honest, my exams were satisfactory,mind you not "good" just satisfactory.
2.In the amidst of exams, i still managed to watch some movies. Thanks to the electives, we got 5 days holidays including a bandh for "EMI" exam, . I watched "The machinist" ,"inception"(for the first time) and "The social network" . All the three were good .But "The machinist" is one hell of a movie.Christian bale at his best
3.I m a novel addict,more than anyone else if u ask me, Last month I had read 6 novels, and next on my list "Good Omen" and "How Opal Mehta Got Kissed Got Wild and Got a Life"(pretty long title .. eh? :P)
4.Ooaa! My sweet sister "Karthika" is going to get married to "Ashwin" on 28th of this month.I am ahhhhhh! what a sweet lookin couple . My best wishes for them :)
5. ohh ya! my best friend "Pavan Bhasker" celebrated his birthday yesterday. I could have dedicated a blog post for him. But damn! exams. Anyway wish u a many many happy returns of the day pavan .

7. Kudos to Somdev who won 2 goldmedals in Asian games.but shooters let us down , I really want to see india in top 5, Hope we will get more medals in the coming days :)
8. "sidney nagaram" from Orange is the best song i have heard lately.Karunya has amazing voice. I was humming this song like 100 times a day .
9.Ahh comtemplation..., more 1 to go .....
10. hurrahh! I did it. mission accomplished :D
That's all from me guys . see you in the next post :)
2 nice people who replied back:
I hope, it's OK
hey, grab your liebester award here - http://sahilkhanna.wordpress.com/2012/01/22/liebester-blog-award/
Congrats for this and you write really well.
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