Well the tag “Indian Idle” suits me pretty well . Indian idle? Oh! Let me enlighten you, I recently completed my graduation, (ofcourse with no so impressive performance anyway ) , and been idle after that. Time is running with a snail speed lately. I m spending time watching movies, watching television and one thing I like the most Reading books, which outweighs every other hobby . I enjoy reading anything other than my academics, ranging from a silly romantic one’s to a wrenching horror one’s. So I read three novels in the last week. “Kane and Abel”, “Best Laid plans”, “Master of game” .
I immensely enjoyed kane and Abel and Master of game. So here are the quick reviews .
Kane and Abel :- Jeffrey Archer consistently produced the best selling books at an impressive rate. I kickstarted off reading his books with classic “Kane and Abel” . I must say, he certainly had the endowment to spellbound his readers.

Jeffrey archer excellently weaved the story of Kane and abel around the major incidents of early 20th century. It's like a ride of fiction in the non fictional setting. Awesome attention has been paid to Character development as Archer takes us into the lives of each of the protagonists-neither glorifying them nor belittling them.The same characters keep coming again and again ,in the different parts of the story.
What I like the most about the book is, the book is completely in touch with the happenings of the world.From drowing of Titanic , to the world wars, even to the great economy downfall of 1929.
One weakness in the plot is ,the inadequate reason for the altercation between kane and abel,other wise story is pretty fast.
Rating :- 5/5

Second child of Jamie and Maggie was Kate , Kate does not get to know her father and brother as both were killed in South Africa’s slave uprising. Margaret runs the company along with Jamie's deputy David.
The second part of the story is about Kate ,Who married David and gave birth to Tony, and how she involved with the lives of children and grand children She is cunning, manipulative yet brilliant in business . I must say the book has lost it’s plot here, but still it’s enjoyable.
This book was very good , loved it
Rating :4/5

Moral of the story? Stop obsessing and move one, revenge would only make you more miserable
On the other note I loved the twist,I never saw that coming. But still this novel no where near sheldon’s other works like bloodline, Tell me ur dreams, If tomorrow comes
Rating :- 3/5
Note :- The scale is based on the ratings below
1. (1) My Electro magnetics book is better than the book
2. (2) Ignore it
3. (3) Good
4. (4) I recommend you to read this
5. (5) Humdinger